Various Council Works Undertaken
LAKA Group have undertaken various works for several local councils. These works have included:
- Stormwater infrastructure (concrete collection pits and reinforced concrete pipe installation) to various roads and parks
- Construction of stormwater pump station and associated rising main
- Construction and upgrade of Council owned CWMS gravity collection systems
- Construction of Council owned CWMS sewer pump stations and associated rising sewer mains
- Construction of CWMS treatment and storage lagoons
- Flood mitagation bank construction
- Construction of shared pathways withiin existing Council reserves
- Property crossover construction
- NBN pit and conduit installation
- River crossing construction of the South Para River
- Road construction
- Plant and labour hire
- Materials transport
SA Water Works
LAKA Group have undertaken a variety of water main relays and sewer extensions throughout regional South Aust.
These have included:
- DICL bridge crossing relay within DPTI roadway at Williamstown
- 4223m of 100PVC-M installation in Freeling, Cobdogla, Paringa, Loxton, Kapunda, Woodside and Long Flat
- 2110m of 150PVC-M installation in Lower Light, Murray Bridge and Krondorf
- 1818m of 250PVC-M installation in Freeling
- 140m of 100 DICL installation in Freeling, Cobdogla and Woodside
- 62m of 150 DICL in Lower Light
- 50m of 250 DICL in Freeling
- 45m of 813 MSCL in trunk main realignment in Gawler East
- 55m sewer extension in Angaston in hard rock
- Remediation of Brooks Bridge stormwater silt basin in Cox Creek
- Erosion control of Gould Creek at Snake Gully

Playford Civic Centre
LAKA Group were involved with the Playford re development plan and our works included the following:
- Removal of all underground redundant services and remove excess material off site.
- Excavate Common Service Trench for electrical HV and LV conduits and backfill
- Civil works to Wombat Crossing
- Civil works to road, Playford Blvd Deep lift, temporary car parks, shared path and verge
- Civil works to pavement areas, grade areas, road works, foot paths.
- Respread existing top soil over the new lawn areas
- Sediment and erosion control

Installation of SA Water Main from Torrens Rd to Torrens River. Project included Night works.
LAKA Group were engaged by Leighton York Joint Venture to undertake various leadup watermain relays to allow for the construction of the new South Road link bridges at the Port Road and Grange Road intersections.
- 700m of 250mm M-PVC in Port Road
- 360m of various DICL and M-PVC in South Road from Port Road to Manton Street
- 160m of 150mm M-PVC in Grange Road to South Road
- 400m of DICL and M-PVC in South Road from Port Road to Forster Street
- Various cut and caps and temporary water main installations

LAKA Group were awarded the contract to construct building pads and car parking for Headquarters Office Building, Loan & Repair warehouse, hardstand for vehicle storage, ultra wide band test facility and weapons test fire facility at the RAAF Base.
These works included:
- Demolish existing redundant stormwater systems and civil items
- Strip and remove topsoil
- Remediate existing uncontrolled fill
- Prepare and supply base course in preparation for the construction of the new buildings and facilities
- Removal of ACM topsoil, under SafeWork SA and EPA guidelines
- Supply and installation of underground stormwater system including pits, downpipes, swale drains, headwalls, sumps, Megaflow subsoil drainage system, Rock Rip Rap,
- Geofabric and reno mattress
Following completion of the buildings, Laka proceeded with installation of kerbing, spoon drains, edge strips, pram ramps, medium kerb, footpath pavement preparation, bitumen laying and concrete surrounds.

Southern Steel Group
The project was to upgrade workshop and car parking facilities which included Bulk earthworks and stormwater. Cut and fill building & paving plateau, base-course, subgrade, subbase.
Supply and install civil stormwater based on the Stormwater Management Plan provided including, 16 Grated Inlet Pits class D, 240m3 underground detention tank, Gross Pollutant Trap and scour protection to council drainage reserve.

Springwood Estate
Stage 1B1 Highfield of Springwood Estate Subdivision Programme.
Construction of road works, inclusive of sub grade, road sub base, base-course, asphaltic concrete, kerb & gutters, footpaths, line marking and signage.
Excavate, supply, lay, test and back fill of water mains and connections.
Excavate, supply, lay, test and back fill of sewer mains and connections, inclusive of air testing and CCTV.
Common service trenching, street lighting.
Allotment filling and compaction under Level 1 Supervision and retaining walls.

Hillier Park Residential Village
Residential Lifestyle Village subdivision consisting of approximately 70 allotments.
The contract is for the construction of road works, drainage, common service trenching, water & sewer mains and connections.
Setting out the works from established bench marks and boundaries. Boxing out roadway, sub grade preparation, road sub base and base-course, formation of footpaths, kerb and gutters, spoon drains and block paving.
Construction of water mains inclusive of fire plugs, stop valves and associated testing, stormwater drainage, filling and compaction.
Trenching and backfilling common service trenching and electrical trenching. Preparation of transformer base pad to SAPN requirements.